i loathe you all
  it only takes 3
So after looking up some information for Disco D last night it all comes down to finding the first 3, and making sure that none of them are even remotly connected.
Of cource i don't fit the profile of being a serial killer, but then again who does?
Anyways what it all comes down to is we are only a few very very short months away from Karla Holmolka being released from prison (june/july 2005) so, how does that make me feel? well i only sort of remember the trials and the "deal with the devil" when i was growing up. Lots of stuff to read over at the crime library, lots to learn, lots to re-hash. Not to mention all the wierd shit that has been going on in the chuck, talk of a serial killer taking out the prostitutes.
  Jesus of Suburbia
As of late I appear to have become distant from my friends, or so I have been told, although the people who tell me this also tell me it happens quite frequently, and nothing to worry about. Sitting here on a Wednesday listening to the grammy award winning Green Day album. [also Green Day is playing at Rexall May 19th tix are $44.00 /each for General admission] Been contemplating joining the Canadian Forces but really thats not me, that is not who I am, is it? No matter how vocal I am against war, or endangering others lives, I feel as though I should sign up, and let my country know my love for her (although it is an evil, crippling love, filled with self hatred and loathing), so this might not be a good plan after all.

Here is a clue to help you get through life, don;t believe in love. it just fucks your mind over.

if you look closly you can see the drunken antics of m.j.
  end of an era
'Gonzo' writer Dr. Hunter S. Thompson found dead
CNN coverage.
  Brace for survival
What a pretty life you have
Oh boy, it's a pretty life you have
And I would need a map
Just so I could navigate the back yard

Home is very ordinary
I know I was born to lead a double life
A murderous strife and misery
And when I find it, I know I'll make sense of me

I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be be involved
Be involved
Be involved
Be involved
I would be involved with you

I know the girls
That live inside your world
Just sitting next to a mortal makes their skin crawl

I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
I would be involved with you

I want to be cool, tall, vulnerable and luscious
I would have it all if I'd only had this much
No need for Lucifer to fall if he'd learn to keep his mouth shut
Be involved
Be involved
Be involved
Be involved
I would be involved with you
Oh, with you

Liz Phair - Perfect World

Glorious Sunday spent lounging around watching old Bill Murray movies, wondering if disco d remembered to take back I, Robot and the sopranos dvd's.

  Listen to more B.A.D.
Nothing to do, all weekend to do it, and I wake up at 20 after 8 in the morning. . . WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!

I'm serious I'm having difficulties sleeping in, and that's rather humorous because when I was attempting to get up early everyday all I could do was sleep in.

Oh well, maybe I'll clean up this rats nest I've got going on, go out and pick up a newspaper. I'm almost looking like I might turn out to be productive, this has to stop.
oh one more thing.

congrats to Disco D for the winnings.
  Zero to Drunk in $20.00

Doubting Paris

Well where to start, above you can see the guys from Doubting Paris, they put on a hell of a live show, also the lead singer ran around with a Polaroid camera and took some pictures, I don't know what happened to the one he took of me and mark, but in my drunken state I recall him saying to give it to Nicole, and that makes no sense, since 1. She was off buying a round, and 2. He has no idea who she is. Oh well, the set rocked.

Nic and M.J.

My Cohorts for the evening appeared to enjoy them quite a bit. After going through the pictures it appears that I didn't get a single good shot of Limblifter, at least not of the whole band, lots of Ryan though, and a few of Meegee and her sexy Mustang Bass.

Set List

Check out the set list, we even called them back for a second encore, and they came. Mark was yelling for Enya . . Ryan played the opening riff for him, I kept yelling for Spray Bomb, and he just looked at me and asked how I even knew that song. Good times.

And you know its good times when you get to hang out and bullshit after the fact, I also somehow managed to buy 3 buttons after bitching with the merch guy over the lack of vinyl. (I had no idea I bought the buttons until this afternoon. . . .)

alright now I stop.
  Disco D was almost right . . . .
Clear Creek, i don't know if i would call it Damn Good Beer, but i would call it some of the best 6.2% $1.00 a can 15 pack (after tax and deposit) that my money can buy....

i'd post some entertaining pictures but i'm only one beer in, and it was good.

went and saw In Good Company last night, great movie. a heartfelt tale really I have nothing to say about it but that I enjoyed it, was worth my 11 bucks, and had a coupe good laughs, thought it could have been funnier but all in all was worth my time.

I may even be starting to enjoy Scarlett Johansson turns out she's in a fair amount of movies that I enjoy. Topher Grace did a damn fine and enjoyable job, a very believable mid 20's corporate shell who finds out that maybe his life would be better off with meaning..

okay I'm rambling.. In order to take your mind off of that, look at this:

now that worked out very nicely didn't it.

be sure to check in tomorrow when I freak out about how awesome the limblifter show was!
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
So stoked! You can check out the preview. and by can, I mean should! it looks significantly better then the BBC series, I wasn't sure about mos def before but I think he'll play Ford rather well.

No matter, don't panic.

Turns out i have 12.4 continuous days of music on my computer, not to sure how sold i currently am on iTunes, but what the hell i'll try it out for a while, worst case scenario it messes me over and i start from scratch again. that is what the library and the internet are for is it not?
  Up for a BREAK????
ph sweet sweet caffine how i love you so, and hot coffee in a can form a vending machine down the hall how glorious would that be? i would put that up there with landing my dream job (any guesses on what that would be?)

picked up Limblifter tickets today for mark, nicole and myself. should make thursday evening a night worth enjoying.

got nothing acomplished today on the job search, will start up early again tomorrow, rent just won't pay itself you know.
  well thats how it goes

well it appears even the journal is against me doing some job searching today.

was in court this morning, loads of fun.
  4 Disco-D

well Disco D, i made waffles and bacon, and where were you? Oh yeah not here, but i did make one just for you, its in the oven keeping warm. It will be gone by the time we reach the Rd.o.t.
  The weekend

Well I just cleaned out our fridge, and it is safe to say that it had its own thriving egosystem inside those vegitable drawers.. Now of cource our fridge looks quite empty, being filled with a thing of margarine, and roughly 17 bottles of water . . . groceries. pish!
  and yet there is more!
its always fun to be outside, especially in this nice weather we are having. A lot of posts by myself today, can;t really explain why, probably because I've got nothing better to do today.

electric bill appears to be rather insane, based off of a meter reading though, but I can only wonder why it is so high.. Oh well I'll get marks 50% later.

who's up for a bottle drive, time to take them in 6 months of booze to collect on, now if only we could bring out empties home from the bar.. If only

bandwagonesque: so I somehow ended up with 50 gmail invites, wheeeeeeeeee?
Nyxojaele Inc.: um. congrats?
bandwagonesque: what the fuck am I going to do with them all?
Nyxojaele Inc.: hand them out at "girls gone wild"
bandwagonesque: LMAO! yes

everybody's acting like I'm fucking crazy or something

[currently listening too: !!! - Hello? Is This Thing On?]
  in other news
Girls gone wild is at billy-bobs and bellinis this weekend..
and we will be in the Rd ot ?
however to go to either of those places may cause me to burst into either flame, or fits of uncontrolable laughter.. and of cource there is always the drunk.

anyways, for those of you who may read this but i don't know it, i won't be making it to calgary, for the reason that is not to be named. that only sort of makes sence.
  wow, friday already.
my first day of being gainfully unemployed, and yet i still have a job, just no gigs for a while. court on tuesday, wonder how that will go, mark wants to be the peanut gallery, so i say sure.

been sitting around playing more music as of late, it appears to be flowing a little more nicly, that and with the bass i can even get a good grove going.. now all we need is that 4-track and some mics.

so lets all go away for the weekend

lets go where the hat says we should party it up.

until then. much love
Now that google is in on the mapping my road trip, I wonder if yahoo or mapquest will get into actually planning out plausible trips, ones that don't tell you to make a right hand turn off of a bridge 75 feet above the road below it?

of course the Canadian side of googles map service isn't quite as functional yet, but then again it did just get slashdotted and it is in beta.. but I can also pull a half decent map as well check it

aside from all of that 3 days left for me here at the "photo hut"
the kind folks of the Photo Gift Company have decided that it is in the best interest of both myself and theirs, that effective the 10th i no longer work there (well they said two weeks, I said cut off day for the pay cheque) . . . I'm not even sure how this all came about, nor do i really care. Thus how life continues . .

I call drunk!
  Elephant, the reckoning

the crew: disco D, johnny, and myself

after hearing the crazzed sounds from the mountain, our adventurers [discostu, m.j.] head back to an area that doesn't have signs "suggesting" they not be there . .

despite the alligations that "we" had called 911, i think they just wanted to harras us for this incident right here. but hey it is yoru call, and what ever happened to that mikhail guy we met and almost spent a night in prison with?
Random snippets on life's happenings.

My Photo
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
January 2005 / February 2005 / March 2005 / April 2005 / May 2005 / June 2005 / July 2005 / August 2005 / September 2005 / October 2005 / November 2005 / December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / October 2006 / September 2009 / May 2010 /

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