i loathe you all
the funny thing about red deer, is that you forget everything else
i'm sure it has nothing to do with the beer
Hi, I'm selling these fine leather jackets
you know... between 4am and 7 am.. there is nothing on tv (well olympic hockey at the moment, but really aside from that nothing). However.. Wikipedia can kill alot of your free sleepless time. i know it does for me, such as todays quest where i somehow going from reading
Joe and Monkey, reading about the american two dollar bill and note, then to the pieces of eight, then too the most beloved video game of all time (and if they make a movie i demand that the lovable Matthew Parry have the lead part, but only if hes skinny). anyways i digress, if you haven't figured it out, i'm refering to
Monkey Island. I mean who else had nightmares about this screen:
or am i the only one?
turns out you can grab all kinds of jive from
here as well as a monkey island ring tone or two (i'll be grabbing those, as wellas the one for maniac mansion if i can find it).
Also it turns out the origional creater of this most beloved game (who left lucas after the first two) has his own blog, http://grumpygamer.com/ i believe i'll be reading that more often..
anyways, canada is up over italy 7 to 2, 11 minutes left in the game.. time for some sleep before i catch the russian game at noon.
There was something I was supposed to do today. . .
And I'm sure that aside from writing a mid-term in blues history, there was something else.
I think it may have involved flowers? I doubt it though, any plans that I would have had for today involving things like that would have been okay to cross off my list two weeks ago, so I did, and if I get in trouble for it now, well I'm already single so really, what can people do?
now I'm rambling..
more later
its been a while
sometimes, when its 3am, and i'm drunk, i want to be lemmy
you know?
Hi there,
Sorry about the lack of updates, i've had a bit on my mind. What with going to court twice earlier this week, the cable being "out" (turns out someone unhooked it from the vcr friday night when putting in a movie), school shazbot, and just other stuff.
So as far as court goes, the crown withdrew the charges, and i am now in the system finger prints mug shot and all, so i guess there goes the plans of being the elusive unknown in a great bank robbery.
As far as the other stuff goes. I'm an asshole. For those of you who know me, you will know what i am refering too, for those of you who don't i'm being vague on purpose, first because it is more polite, and second be cause i enjoy it so.
Maybe one day my grammer will improve as well, but don't count on that happening anytime soon.
so let think happy thoughts;
2006 brings new LP's From Sonic Youth, Mudhoney, Red Hot Chili Peppers..
the shins will be back in the recording studio..