i loathe you all
  Elephant, the reckoning

the crew: disco D, johnny, and myself

after hearing the crazzed sounds from the mountain, our adventurers [discostu, m.j.] head back to an area that doesn't have signs "suggesting" they not be there . .

despite the alligations that "we" had called 911, i think they just wanted to harras us for this incident right here. but hey it is yoru call, and what ever happened to that mikhail guy we met and almost spent a night in prison with?
Wow! You remember his name! How come you don't remember the names of the two girls who attacked you and D? I miss the mountains, even the elephants. I also miss the drunk.
i don't think that the two girls that attack'd me and the disco king ever told us there names, but i'm sure taht had we been less obsessed with that two seconds and paying more attention to teh chicks form quebeck then there would not have only been 3 people in that room when the guy came to tell us to shut up
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