i loathe you all
  lookie lookie

"Moustache Fighting League T-Shirt"

and since I'm sending you over to read Goats anyways, you should check out the short video clip of Peter Jennings when he was on the daily show, its so well worth your time, hell it was well worth mine.

And now onto other things, since I'm sitting here and not much else is going on I've been thinking about the term "sellout" and how much of a mute point it is. When you start a band, you want to take over the world, sure no one truly believes that they will be the next U2 or Beatles or even Elliott Smith, but no one really wants to dabble in such obscurity for the sake of being obscure, if that was the case why not just take up painting water colours or wine tasting. Or for that matter start a blog where you bitch about nothing? So for your approval i submit a comic that makes me laugh.

that is all for now.
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