i loathe you all
  Record Shopping
So I meandered into FreeCloud today, after dropping off some resumes at Kingsway mall, had an interview for a management position, might even get the job, I find out on Friday. But I digress, I picked up some nice looking vinyl that I shall now share my thoughts on.

fIREHOSE - Sometimes, Almost Always E.P. tracks include; sometimes bw/ she paints pictures, rhymin' spielin'

So anyways after doing some quick web searches I find that most copies of this E.P. have song for the singer of R.E.M. instead of she paints pictures, I find that to be rather odd, but hey I'm never one to complain about an oddity. ANYWAYS, listening to the 3 tracks on the ole wheels of steal, made me feel like for 15 minutes that everything, everything, everything was alright with the world, and only then did it make sense to put on the other find today.

Shellac - the Rude Gesture 7", tracks include The Guy Who Invented Fire bw/ Rambler Song, Billiard Player Song

Now there is nothing I enjoy more then finding 7" vinyl, specifically stuff that Steve Albini has personally had his hand involved with, so that makes this doubly more enjoyable for me, it also happens to be Shellac record #1 sort of fun. Of course it follows the Big Black feel, but it gets you wanting to rock pretty hard as well, not as experimental as 1000 Hurts, but you can feel it going in that direction. To quote the liner notes "Shellac ages gracefully, imparting a subtle amber color to the finished piece witch intensifies over time" and at the time they meant the wood finish but in retrospect it could also be the band.

Also, note to the weekend: got very drunk, did a few things that i'm not overly proud of, mark asked everyone where his underware was, drank way to much red bull & vodka and can not be held responsible for anything that happened after i entered into the Catwalk.
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