Somebody came and took my hand / I finally had to go
Saturday Night looked like it was gonna get going good, Bryan was already into it, and Mike already looks half done.. So it began.
Nicole, wasn't so sure we could pull off a full fledged gong show without
Scooter. However we figured we could at the very least give it a shot. So we made our way down the elevator of doom, from the 14th [read: 13th] floor...
ahhh the
stonehouse.. Many a scene of debauchery to be found here... Many indeed.
the gong show was under full swing.
cute girls drinking Kokanee
I guess Megan even knew her.
There was a little sister action going on.. From the looks of it, Bryan and I were not going to be complaining. Nor was I going to be complaining for any reason.
I just want to know why the hell there are random buffalo all over Edmonton?
Sunday was the day of recovery. After waking up i decided hence forth to create a batch of waffles, bacon, and toast. We did not need the toast.
Then it was to the Popculture fair, as I had no funds the day was spent watching
Napoleon Dynamite,
Say Anything and a few other movies. However Bryan, Beth, and Megan picked up a few choice LPs
and a new kitten. It's name is "Sketch". So, Scooter can chill out with Sketch and Winston the next time we happen to be crashing on that floor.
Monday was a day spent hanging on Whyte Ave, lunch at BP's, overpriced ice coffees at Starbucks, and hunting for more music. I have taken a liking to putting $90.00 worth of Vinyl on hold at Blackbyrd, shocking no? Also Megs appears to have taken quite the liking to Caitlin, and demands that we make up a few mix cd's to send to this Calgary native, as well as some lists of bands for her to check out.
Just a small final note, i believe we brought the gong show, but to quote Megan
"No matter what we need the other 50% of our drinking/gong show team. I'll allow it for this weekend only because he's on his way to Vancouver". Also, if your going to walk home some 53 blocks, be happy that it is +30 outside. After all it did only take an hour to get from the downtown Greyhound to my place. Not bad timing indeed.