i loathe you all
  fuck king ralph
Canada NewsWire Group: "Passage of Bill C-38 a victory for human rights says CUPE"

although this will not effect my life in any sort of way what's ever, i'm glad to see that the government one that i even voted for (well i voted NTP but lets not get into schemantics). I'm proud to live in a country where EVERYONE now has access to BASIC HUMAN rights, freedoms and liberties, like the ability to express how they feel for one another despite sex, creed, religion, or how they like to fornication.

now to sleep before i head back to another 12 - 13 hours at work. wheeeeeeeeeeee


also rumour has it that i'm holding a BBQ on friday.. So check disco's blog for details.. apparently.
no, i had just gotten off a 15 hour shift, and the 2 hours of sleep from the night before, plus the 12 hour i worked then.. ahh good times.

why do you think i was drunk?
true enough my good man, true enough
Jim is a FUCKIN' TOOL!
i love you too scooter
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