i loathe you all
  fucking theaters

so Wednesday i wanted to go see a movie, a good movie.
however fate conspired against me, and i had to be at work till 10
the movie started at 10. As well as my "date" (read: person whom was going to come with me) was ill and couldn't make it.
so i ditched and went home.

I was thinking i could catch it tonight or Sunday afternoon.. but alas
that is not to be..
so once again i miss seeing the beauty that is a Todd Solondz film.

so it goes.

well off to the strat tonight, mm cheap beer. You are all welcome to join.
Where was it playing? I didn't even know... the Metro?

I just watched again (for the first time) Welcome to the Dollhouse. I forgot how great that flick is!
it was playing at city center :(
alas no more :(

yeah i just picked up welcome to the doll house i hadn;t seen it for a few years, still love it, happiness still cracks me up , and well i haven't seen storytellign since it came out..

way to much info in that.
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