i loathe you all
  Classic Evan
in a word, Evan Dando was: AWESOME

played all the hits almost.. but even broke out Skulls .. so good

overheard after the show;
is Evan going to come out and do a meet and greet? i'd like a picture

not to sure really, he's out back smoking some pot

Classic Dando

i took some pictures, hopefully i'll be able to post them on friday or so.

also this marks my 100th post since i started this blog in january. more then doubling the amount of posts on dotNuxx.net
WOW! 100 posts? Congrats to you!! That is just fantastic. You need a cake or something.. with a candle.. and a party... with hats and streamers.... and those blowy noisy things :0
okay, but i'll let you arrange it. since i have no concept as to how to get a party togeather.
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