didn't you guys open for atomic 7?
just got back from the last night of the works, saw the james T. kirks, it was lovely.
also looks like i've got two spare tickets to dando, and h.j. is gonna take both of the ones for BJM so i'll have some drinking money.. that will be nice.
tomorrow looks promising, and i think everyone should come and enjoy "7 and 7 is" at new city, they are playing with 3 other bands, doors at 8. no idea what time they will be playing at, and it looks like i'll be showing up alone, tragic. hopefully i'll get paid though and be able to get a bit drunk, hopefully.
friday night, well lets just call it a gong show waiting to happen . . nicole is even planning on making an appearance, even after i dragger her to Xiu Xiu (although it rocked, she did not enjoy).
i should invest in using capital letters someday, no wonder scooter never comments on my blog.
and derek, i'm up for the road trip but you won't drive and it is slightly illegal for me to drive, however, you could drive my car if it just end up being you and me.. as it will be fully functional and insured. plus what better way to get to portland then taking a camaro playing nothing but crazy noise and indie rock?
p.s. i forgot to take my camera with me today, so no pictures... alas.