wooo! well loads of fun for me today...
not at all really, bad news at work...
long day, nothign really interesting to get into, but i can expect that it will be much harder to reach my sales goals with on average 6 grand less a month worth of retail.. since corporate thinks that well we don;t need to just make pure money...
got home, checking the email, all that fun jive, enjoyign a little !!! on the `ol iTunes, and my powersupply dies, right then and there, thats it kaput.. and since i didn;t budget for it, i have no cash to pick up a new one till well after evan dando.. so i can;t download any pictures etc.. nothing.. it is to say the least, craptacular.
some might ask "but then how are you posting this?" to witch i would coyly reply, with my 13 year old laptop my dear, the one that couldn't even run your watch as it is alas just 133 Mhz, with a 4gig hdd, and a sound card that hasn't worked since the mid to late 90's. .
also it was pointed out that certain people only know me by the top left half of my face. i find that amusing. quite.
but i digress, i had a different idea for a post then this in mind, however circumstances being what they are. i don't wish to mention that i found out one of my cousins works for my sister company in west ed, as well as that i met my cute new little cousin once removed (he is just around 3 months old now) on saturday night.. was glorious. and disco might be up for that road trip (we'll take his car.. ) scooter said that shellac sounded kind of like U2, but mostly i think disco is just in for a few days of debauchery in seattle.
yeah i think i need a smoke.. only half a pack to go till i'm done for well till i get back form vaction really... i'm gonna be a total bastard next week.. good thing dando can make me so happy, but also so sad.