i loathe you all
  in an alternate reality..
if everything had panned out the way that it was to go, today would be spent drunk off my ass golfing or doing something i might actually enjoy.. and tomorrow i would be getting married, insanity, yes.

Do i regret things in the past year? no not really for i feel in the end this is for the best, sure, i know make maybe 1/5th of what i was making then, i'm lonley a little bit more, but really, i have everythign in my life that i could possibly need.. great friends, good times, a job i don't loathe all of the time. and total and complete freedom to do what i want.. but i had most of that anyways..

so enough on the downer. My vacation starts tomorrow night at 8pm. as to if i'm going to party it up in the chuck (my pay cheque sucked so i doubt it) or just pack and hit the greydog to red deer on sunday morning.. and with that said i'll try to get the pictures off of my camera while i'm out of town and post them online, but i make no promises. (i'm not going to bother fixing my workstation until i'm back because, well why fix something that i won't even be around to use?). Oh and my interview went alright, if anything happens from it i'll tell "you" all about it.

much love.
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