i loathe you all
so who i ask would be up for a roadtrip?
say late august?

for 3 or 4 days
approx. 14 hour drive...

yes, to portland! say the 25th/26th we are there?
catch two shows by Shellac?

maybe i'm nuts, and i know this won't pan out, but theoretically who is in?

and derek not only do i have a BJM ticket for you, but also a evan dando ticket.

turns out i have a spare of each show as well... interesting.
Road trips are the best. At that time, I'll be driving out to Vancouver! Ted Leo and the Pharmacists on Sept 2, yo!
kick ass! take me with?

will i be back in time for pearl jam?

do you even work at work?
*speaking in loud voice* OF COURSE I work at work...*insert nervous laughter here*

Umm yeah I leave on Aug 27 and come back Sept 4 - cause I have to work at Pearl Jam on the 5th.

We totally have to meet up at BJM or Evan Dando or something. We can start a gang. a squad, even.
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