something going on inside my head?
today was day 3 of not smoking...
i faired better then the others as i only had two cigs.. (i know thats not technically not smoking but hey, so it goes)
short power outage earlier tonight . lit some candles and contemplated walking in the rain.. it would have been romantic, if you know i wasn't hanging out with scooter..
vacation starts in two days.. just need to decide when to leave this city, and well should i come back? do i really have a good reason too? sure there is work, and i can't ditch out on my flatmate, but after that.. what do i have?
why so rehtorical?
why not?
and expect pictures from dando, BJM, and pretty much other random times early next week when i get them off the camera.. (hopefully i'll be able to grab some shots at thornley on friday, if i go. who has a ticket for me?)