the vacation starts ... NOW!
i suddenly feel like my life is a bit of a beer comercial. . . i just got in the door from work, woke up my flatmate, got a call to be at a social gathering and we are on our way out the door. no holding back.
i'll be back in the chuck on the 3rd or 4th of aug. hopefuly i'll make it down to calgary to help lins and justan move, but i make no promises. Also on that note their baby has the most perfect skull i have ever seen in an ultrasound picture. not that i have ever really looked at alot of them.
i'll get my pics uploaded ver the next 24 - 48 hours to the dropbox, and hopefully have some from tonight.
Gong Show Loaded, and we are ready to roll
updates at random until i get back.
lets kick it scooter.