i loathe you all
another night
its all about a case of Olympia, a shout of double jack and winning shit from the psudo-toy house.... and hten pizza.. does anyone remember if it was even good pizza?
is there something wrong?
so i just finished watching
Palindromes ... i quite enjoyed it.. much faster paced then i am accustomed to from todd solondz.. but JESUS FUCK someone give that man a hug! I'm not even kidding... seriously, he needs a hug!
special note: was nice to see mark wiener again, shame about his band..
if only i had found this first
check this out
Oly trucker hatdamn luck..
also someone stole my ash tray over the weekend.. they left the BBQ though.. so odd
3rd time maybe?
after two test trials i still have no concept as to how to burn a dvd... if only mark hadn't sold all his snl dvd's .. then i could copy one of them to see if maybe i'm just doing something wrong...
in alternate world news.. we had a party and some stuff in the hotel room got smashed; and when I was to pay the bill I didn't have the money!
if only ladwig was a real band
i call this my sexy drunk look
it comes out frequently i'm told...
but its better then the
booty shake, i suppose ...
friday ( i think i'll have to double check) Totheteeth/tothehilt will all purpose voltage hero's.. victory lounge, who else is in... i'll bring the look and leave the shake at home
video codec
Updates from cow town ...
Got into town last night had an enjoyable evening with friends and drinks, although $7.25 for a pint of Guinness appears to be a little rediculous.. just my thoughts
today was spent wandering around 17th Ave (SW) found nothing in megatunes (well a new
PTD album and a wilco dvd, yet neither did i aquire), then off to see my brother, whose house is picutured above.. alas he was not home.. a day of mishaps..alas
Now to a birthday/house-warming/dance/whatever party should be good times, pictures will take place.. drinks will be had.. and good times by most!
edmonton, i miss you .. only because i am not required to wear a striped polo shirt on a first date, if for nothing else.
Superfluous Children
bootleg video from the sidetrack on sept 12
truth in lies.
so there ya go derek .. sorry it isn't the full tune.. or more, but its all nic grabbed.
also forgot, your going to need the
Xvid Codec
randomness abound
this may be of interest to some people..
others might agree that watching Prozac Nation is akin to watching a really good book made into a mediocre movie but pulled togeather very well thanks to the tallents of our lovley lead acctress
also the new big star album kicks ass
and they say sittign at home studying in the afternoon is a waste of time..
i think i'll watch Palindromes and Last Days
The Real Reason Bass Players Always Get Laid
Nobody sets out to be a bass player.
The kids who were forced into piano lessons who acquired some genuine musical education end up on keyboards.
The person without much musical talent but with some sense of timing and with the strength of the ox and who owns a truck big enough to hold all the gear ends up the drummer.
The pecking order of the band really comes down to the guitarists though.
All guitarists want to be the lead player. All the flashy stuff with none of the hard work to set up the star. The rhythm guitarist could be a better player but the lead guitarist is presumed by everyone to be best.
The guy who was never in the running for a six stringer gets to play bass. And change strings for the other guitarists if he's not too ham-fisted. And is usually turned way down in the mix anyway.
Only in the rare cases where the bass player owns the truck or the PA does he get to play a bass solo which bores the crowd out of their minds since inevitably the drummer will have been given a solo already if the band is this democratic.
The drummer drinks more and can take more drugs than the bass player too, so there's no way to outdo anyone there.
The bass player lives under a crushing inferiority complex which would be terminal to any self-respecting person.
The only thing the bass player has any chance to be believed competitive in is sexual activity.
The drummer is usually too far out of it to properly perform. The keyboardist is such a wanker that they do all their snuggles solo. The real guitarist have to spend a lot more time practicing those tricky passages.
The bass player only had to learn those 5 notes after all - he's got a lot of time on his hands and is the person the groupies are most likely to meet.
It's not because they're cool or clever. Bass players are just so available and desperate for recognition that they need to always get laid.
i saw that somewhere and i needed to post it.. because it is generally true.. unless your name was or is lou
A Poltergeist In My Plasma TV?
THE HAUNTING BEGAN nearly a month into my tests. At 1 a.m., the set suddenly and loudly fired up -- a disconcerting thing since it was set up in my bedroom. Worse, it refused to turn off, responding neither to the remote nor the off switch on the TV. With no choice, I unplugged the set, then plugged it back in. Nearly an hour later, though, the set burst into life again. For three nights running, I struggled with the same scenario -- and lost each time.
more . . .
halrious.. i think so but if you have that kind of cash, i could care less
Sidetrack Cafe; round 2
meandered over to the sidetrack again tonight, was joined by nicole, megs, brian, and a couple other friendly folk.. had good times ended up being a long night, as i went on at about 12:30 .. it looked as follows
i played three songs;
-truth in lies
-dear world, open me and embrase my soul
-1.0 poor boy
much better then last time, and also got a killer photo of a candle out of the deal..
so umm take that?
take me home, oh country roads
its not that we got lost on our bi-pass of leduc, so much as i have no idea where i am once i get out on rural roads.. well no thats not it.. it was the take a left from calmar...
very sketchy...
jimmy's starting to happen today..
so.. i pierced my nipples..
got bored..
then more bored and filled out some quiz..
Your dating personality profile:
Liberal - Politics matters to you, and you aren't afraid to share your left-leaning views. You would never be caught voting for a conservative candidate. Sensual - You are not particularly shy when it comes to your sexuality. You know what you like and do not feel inhibited. Outgoing - You can liven up any party. You've got a way with people and have little difficulty charming your dates. | Your date match profile:
Outgoing - Shy and timid people are not who you are after. You need someone with a vibrant personality to breathe life into a relationship. Sensual - You aren't looking for someone who is sexually repressed. You want someone who is adventurous under the covers. Adventurous - You are looking for someone who is willing to try new things and experience life to its fullest. You need a companion who encourages you to take risks and do exciting things. |
Your Top Ten Traits
1. Liberal 2. Sensual 3. Outgoing 4. Funny 5. Wealthy/Ambitious 6. Adventurous 7. Practical 8. Big-Hearted 9. Athletic 10. Intellectual
| Your Top Ten Match Traits
1. Outgoing 2. Sensual 3. Adventurous 4. Funny 5. Intellectual 6. Practical 7. Wealthy/Ambitious 8. Conservative 9. Athletic 10. Big-Hearted
Take the Online
Dating Profile Quiz at
Dating Diversions---
darren come to Hubies!!
The Jam .. Pearl Coloured
saw pearl jam last night, fucking awesome.. no pictures, no beer, just good tiems, and running into someone who knows me, that i can't place for my life blood..
Edmonton Journal
Edmonton Sun
today is also my last day at work (w00t!) and i'm sure i'll be meandering down to whyte ave for a little bit tonight, maybe i'll see you.. i probably won't.. but if i do, it will be good times
bored ...
Your Porn Star Name is: Larry Loverod
so how about that... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee