i loathe you all
  la la la la
so once again i've fallen in love,
this time with the polyphonic spree
really i loved them before
then forgot about our love... quite humerous

i had an urge to play some tripping daisy today
and i was listening to it, i began to wonder what ever happened to Tim.
then i remembered.. the polyphonic spree ...

and suddenly they made a whole lot more sence..
really they are a natural progression of what tripping daisy
is/was ..

i never did get to see tripping daisy live..
and they pretty much disapeared from most people's lives
just before "jesus hits like an atom bomb" came out..
and i haven;t even heard the slef titled album that they closed
the band with.. i'll track it down eventually though

the polyphonic spree however, i saw open for david bowie last year
and it felt like a gigantic loving cult of musicians, so much love..
so good as well..

did i mention i don't have a point today at all?
Hey! I was there too! Row 7. I kept yelling out "I love you" and he stopped halfway through and asked "Who keeps yelling I love you" and some girl 2 rows ahead of me stole my thunder.


The spree left me more confused than anything.
derek: no not yet .. it is at the garneau though so maybe on sunday... unless we end up at elezabethtown

hailey: yeah my free tickets were alas not as good.. stupid radio contests ;)
and i can see the confused thing very simply, and i thik that song about the tree was half an hour long
Jim, you were the one who told me about the guy from TD being in tha 'Spree, like, ages ago!
yes mark, but i had forgotten.. or at the very least was not paying any attetion what so ever
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