i loathe you all
  Michael Moore Bought me a beer. . .
and he really did, and the show we saw was awesome..

got there a bit alte for membership appreciation night at the starlight room
so i missed the first band.. (i'll get back to them)

but the band that was playing when we came in was kick ass
and who wouldn't be with a name like Helper Monkey, mark bought a shirt, and they rocked our socks clean off!

the headliner for the evening was the Groovie Ghoulies, all i need to say, is that they started their set out with a cover of Daniel Johnstons "Devil Town" and it was kick ass, but then they continued to rock the fucking house.. could we ask for more? i doubt it.

okay back to the begining, the band we missed was the Dollyrots, the chick who fronts the band was working the merch table.. i was the only person who signed up for the mailing list.. i felt so bad i signed up twice.. and was then rewarded with two free pins, and a sticker.. (although i lost the sticker at O'Byrnes...) i also opted to pick up the record.. on yellow vinyl..

let me just say this, i was more intent on digging the album then anything else.. and back at my place all that transpired was listening to the record, 3 times, it reminds me of the ramones, bikini kill and early donna's all rolled into one..

i guess they were recently signed to lookout records.. i doubt they can do for the label what Green Day or Op Ivy did, but i think its a good star in kickign ass and making people remember why we all fell in love with SoCal punk in the early 90's to begin with ...

so once again, thanks for the beer Mr. Moore
sounds like a good night!
no.. if that was the case there would be a picture

but it is fun to hang out with a guy named michael moore
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