i loathe you all
  Binge and Purge
so anyways

i aquired a few new albums yesterday, two that really work out though are:
Bright Eyes - Motion Sickness
Green Day - Bullet in a Bible
also a couple older flaming lips albums, and a couple that i regret so they will disapear today
the beauty of it all really..

also time to purge part of the cd collection
what is a good number of albums to keep?
do i really need to keep any at all? what with the age of digital upon us..
i don't have a place to really keep any of them..

i always thought 150 cds would look more impressive..

six small stacks .. one is just cd singles..
how did i acquire that many singles?
oh it is not my entire collection ...
also i'll probably go back through them and pul some stuff out
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