i loathe you all
craigslist.com mentioned on the o.c.
they are pimping the hiptop like a MoFo today..

but more so...
despite my overly bad reasons for going vancouver..
i'm no good at funerals etc ...

however, sunday for the low low price of $15.00
and making sure i can fit in with the indie hipster crowd in vancouver..
i'll check out a little band that many of you have probably heard of..

the magic numbers..

i'll take some photos.. and wear my hair in my face.. band t-shirt and a suit jacket..

maybe i'll look for a twin amp to steal as well
Write to hawksley@hawksleyworkman.com and type in the name of his new album "treeful of starling" the 1st 50 people get on the guest list....
dude so sorry i spaced on coffee on friday :( bad friend. what's your sched like on tues or wed? hope the trip to van went okay. sorry again bout your grandma.
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