i loathe you all
  nothing to say . . .
well its been a pretty slow week ..
i've been sleeping in like a MoFo .. and that means i haven't attended a single class all week. not really a good thing. grabbed my homework from the web, at least i don't have anything due until next week. got out of my christmas preformances last week, so thats good, won't even effect my gpa, since i'm not a preformance majour.

lets see, i have had a busy couple weeks, so maybe i should do a bit of a recap.

Flew in at 8 in the morning, hung out with my family for the day, my grandmothers funeral was nice, very well done.. open casket.. i went and said goodbye.. i could hardly recognize her.. mind you had been over 5 years since i last saw her .. but i'm glad that i had that.
on sunday we all went to IHOP for breakfast, spent the day wandering around stanley park, i saw a raccoon.

then over to my cousins for some chinese food.. before heading downtown to see the magic numbers

the show was pretty rocking, they played all their hits.. aka everything they know, plus an acoustic version of "crazy in love", and closed the night out with some pretty cool bluegrass jamming.

monday was spent meandering around downtown vancouver.. not much happened, just walked around.


i'm home for what two days? then off to calgary.
thursday was a bit of a rush day, went to class, got home packed and away we went.. rolled into the hotel.. (ahh the super 8) brenda had a nap, then off to see Hawksley Workman and Cuff The Duke

a great night had by all .. i even had a mark equivilent to pary with

cuff the duke impressed me, sort of in that alt-country vain.. its all a little foggy now.. Hawksly was good, by no means rocking, but i was not expecting him to be..

i spent friday chilling out and working on homework and some stuff for thought crime, then off to waynes for supper. mmm salmon, i've had more salmon in the past two weeks then i think i've had in the past year.
Saturday, was up at 7:30, made some coffee, brenda went to her conference, i watched the news and hit up downtown calgary. saw K.J. for a little bit, hung out listened to some 60's soul and so forth...
back to the hotel, time for bedouin ...
here is wher ei realized i should maybe find out what kind of band they are..
it prompted the following conversation:
j: "Reggae infused rock? Is this a ska show?"
b: "No, it's not a ska show"
j: "Hmm. Sounds like it could be ska"

so it was more like dub ..
anyways i was impressed enough by the opening band (the junction) to pick up a cd and t-shirt ... however upon listening to the cd i was a little let down .. they rocked out alot more in concert, and had a harder edge sound to them..
(i have pictures but due to the distance they never really turned out..)
Bedouin was pretty good.. they name checked everyone from joe strummer and the mescaleros to bad brains, also covered songs by the rockers and u2 ..
let me put it in a way that i would like to sumerize the set ..
we rocked down too electric avenue, fought the privitaization of national water, and it happened to be new years day ..

there was more, but it was good ..
grabbed a couple albums when i got home, i haven't really had the time to listen to them yet..

sunday was pretty low key, just came home, stoped in red deer had lunch with my parents..

this week has been me doing not a whole lot of anything, just been catching up on sleep it turns out. and drinking on tuesday nights has been reinstated.. i missed it.
Hotels! Drinkin on Tuesdays! Trips to the West Coast. Were do I sign up? That's it. I am going to Clown College

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