i loathe you all
  Day 5
Got into Vegas about 1:30 local time (aka PST). walked down main, for a while took some good photos, had supper, meandered around the hotel room, now off to check out a couple record stores, and then see the strip.

leave tomorrow for Santa Barbara, do some surfing, and maybe see if i can find Joey Cape's house..

Well i found about $80 in music, nothing shocking there, and checked out the strip. All i can say is super Extravagent, and nothing better could be a shrine to consumerism and money then the Las Vegas strip.
Caught a free show at the Art Bar, can't even remember the name of the guy who played, but he's playing at the viper room on saturday. Also, i thought that Shoegazing Scensters were bad in Edmonton, but these dudes made the crowd at Xiu Xiu look like they were kids. I had fun.

now off too Bakersfield for some breakfast.
[End Update]
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