don't say "old man", to the Old Man
so... saturday evening (january 28th)
celebration of sorts at the ol jim & mark apartment of doom
we'll even clean before then.. its cool
the celebration.. for some reason i am still on this piece of rock called Earth
and i will have been rocking it for 26 years..
so the plan is come one come all
bring some booze, maybe a chair, your favorite LP if that is your thing
we'll get all riled up, and then find a dank watering hole to destroy..
i'm thinking the strat (although far from my place) or this seedy pub i always want to go in but never have the nerve to do so..
its called TB's .. its on stoney plane road, about a 3 minute walk.. 20 late at night after some drinks
so txt me, email me, phone me, let me know whats up
if your comming if you need directions
and if someone can spot a wild bottle of Jagger for me..
we shall unlease the beast