i loathe you all
  Hi there,
Sorry about the lack of updates, i've had a bit on my mind. What with going to court twice earlier this week, the cable being "out" (turns out someone unhooked it from the vcr friday night when putting in a movie), school shazbot, and just other stuff.

So as far as court goes, the crown withdrew the charges, and i am now in the system finger prints mug shot and all, so i guess there goes the plans of being the elusive unknown in a great bank robbery.

As far as the other stuff goes. I'm an asshole. For those of you who know me, you will know what i am refering too, for those of you who don't i'm being vague on purpose, first because it is more polite, and second be cause i enjoy it so.

Maybe one day my grammer will improve as well, but don't count on that happening anytime soon.

so let think happy thoughts;
2006 brings new LP's From Sonic Youth, Mudhoney, Red Hot Chili Peppers..
the shins will be back in the recording studio..

ali: that is the whole reason i'm in there... but hey i can apply to drive again on the 16th.
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