i loathe you all
  best spam _ever_
okay this was quite random and somehow passed my filters..
so i think i need to post it here for all to enjoy

Hi Amlan, You'll wanna listen to this, Ferdinand told me couple hrs ago that
ur girlfriend been complaining with u lately.

I can assist with that. Visit here [insert random site]. I've
been using them for a months now and nothing but praises for them. of her
community, thus she knows that she has to get rid of the baby, but in her
heart s

e. Moreover, it has also decreased the load, which occurs on the system due
to the . disaster that could occur if the Nazi's developed it first.
Einstein did not participate in the developmen.

Talk to ya

so i'm not even sure what the hell was trying to be sold to me..
but that is the most random 3 paragraphs next to something i wrote while drunk and posted here.. so at least it has a good home


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