so is anyone still with me here?
i doubt it.. since i can never make up my mind about anything.. what i'm going to write about, the style of the page. etc.. you know how it is right? no? well fuck it.
i feel like i need to make it up to the guys for yesterdays picture...
but i don't really have anything i can post. maybe one of nic.. but i think she would kill me? and you would, wouldn't you nic.
so instead, i'm going to say this:
How i became an artist was pure unadulterated acident. I have never had the desire for a straight job, an office job, a 9 - 5 job. I feel they no longer truly exist, not in the mannor they existed for my parents. I have talent, at least i have that, i'm by no far the best at what i do, yet by no mannor of thinking am i the worst.
The dream, the goal, all began in a younger much more innocent version of myself, the world was younger, we were all younger, some people reading this were still learning how to read, walk, talk, shit, that sort of thing. I was handed a notebook, it had three things that i had to decide upon, Money, Power, or Fame. History will note i opted for none, and in doing so created my first piece of art.
Where will this lead? will i be in a box, dead or dying in two years? i doubt it, i'm smarter then that, and the odd jobs will always be around.
do i have a point? not yet.. time will deliver it for me.