i loathe you all
  the city to the south.
the best part about a road trip is the unexpectedness of it all.
i found myself leaving the mountains a couple days early, no reason to stay, no reason to leave, just felt that it was time i changed paths, you know?

so now i find myself staying on two of my best friends couch in calgary, and attending a film fest tomorrow.. if i stay till monday, we are totally hitting up the Zoo.. i know childish, but in the end, maybe i am still a child, a 26 year old child.

but who knows? what is there to do in calgary anyways? i'd visit my brother but for some reason he is gone to new york.
there's nothing to do here. seriously. thats why i blog so much
Juicya: there has to be at least as much to do in calgary as there is in the chuck (read: edmonton).. oh well i had fun.

Derek: Tubby Dog? what the fuck?
d: well fuck, i guess i'll have to go to it next time.. also you going to be around the R-dot this weekend? i should grab my touque.. you know for all this crazy winter weather we are having.. *knock on wood*
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