i loathe you all
so.. i don't remember this weekend really at all..
i just know that i was drunk, angry, and a total asshole

so, i'm thinking i should give up the drink for a little bit
not stop all togeather, just stop being a dick
is it possible? i believe so.

i was infomred of stories today, that i do not recall
all of them cast me in a bad light.

i think this should be the end of that chapter.
yeah where were you? i called you friday night. i must see younr fancy new touque.
no worries. i'll grab it from you sometime. its getting to be summer, so i dunno how much i'll need it..

but if yoru working thursday morning maybe i'll grab it on my way to calgary.
stoping for breakfast/brunch on my way to banff for the weekend
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