i loathe you all
  That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood
so i must not have fucked anything up to badly.
and in my spirit of rushing into things..

i'm now dating Samantha, with any luck i won't fuck this up.

.. updates on weekend drinking and the hilarity that ensued later
I look forward to the weekend update!
Congrats on not 'fucking things up' ;) It's funny to hear the guys side of things...
i'll update later tonight..
it was a crazy weekend.

because i am honest i'll say that you'll fuck things up--but let's say that you fucking things up really has very little to do with how things pan out and everything to do with how she reacts to whatever it is that you do. how the other half reacts is what makes or breaks a relationship.

i sound jaded. probably, because i am.

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