Would you stop worrying about the punks, they will probably grow up to be doctors and lawyers someday.
better late then never. that is what i like to say.
and i figured i should hit this up before i do a HNT post tomorrow .. (it will be in the evening folks, that just how i roll)
i also need to get this out before another weekend begins.
so.. get situated as you like, grab a coffee, whisky, combine them, and we shall begin.
Friday was low key, it wasn't supposed to pan out like that, but when you end up opting out of seeing the
the hanson brothers, what else are you supposed to do? watch the Oilers game? .. yeah we opted for a fine evening of the captains spiced rum, and ceasers, plus what ever was left of the Olympia.
Turns out its a good way to get to know someone, get drunk, and watching random crap like
Wonder Showzen, plus whatever is on late night showcase. you just can't go wrong. low key.
saturday, we missed a free gig, i forget who it was, but she was the bass player in
Eric's Trip. Turned out alright, a sixer of oly to start the night at meg's followed by liquid heroin (it is a martini people, not a drug) it tasted just like hammered. I had mentioned
T-Rex Party Stipulation, and just in time for us to hear, arguably one of the best songs to get plastered at ever, esp in a martini bar while my flat mate eye fucks some chick form across the room,
Bang a Gong. so a round (+3) of Jager each, and the party looked like it was moving away.. this made me decide on some Guinness and another liquid heroin before we figured out who to chill with. the option came down to, find Pax, and everyone who went with him, track down Megs and the girls who went to the gay bar, or find the people MJ works with.. we opted for the gay bar. I do believe that was the first time MJ had ever been, and i have no idea if anyone tried to pick him up. rum and cokes all around, and i decided maybe i shouldn't be wearing a shirt. others decided that it was 2am and time for some wine back at the apartment...
this is where it gets a bit foggy (ok, it took me 5 days to post this so i've been piecing it together the entire time), but i guess there was some red wine, i wanted straight up whisky, and weed. Normally i'm known to not indulge, but Pax had put in all that effort to roll it, so how could you say no?
come time to leave, i figure, i'll get a cab, MJ still drinking says i can't bail on him. i passed out on a hard wood floor, i think he slept partly on lino in the kitchen, and partly on the hard wood. he was gone when i woke up at 10.
so.. now it starts again, friday night is coming, and i actually worked all week, plus finished my finals. who is placing bets that i'll be late for work on saturday?