Cecilia went first.
maybe today won't be all that bad.
i'm not hung over, although i feel like it, it was a take the weekend off from gong show drinking, and just enjoy it all. saturday was spent hanging with sam, and then down to rods for his birthday, and i thik spending the evening jamming in a garage drinkign beer is well worth it. someone even gave me half a burger. and by gave me, i stole off the BBQ..
I figured it was worth while to not watch all of "uptown girls" last night, since i was switching between it and "spy game", leaving random audio blogs where i sound half dead.
now i'm at work.. its been a little busy, had some traffic, made some cash. enjoying the "virgin suicides". i ask what else does one do to prevent him from sleepign on one of the many mattress' in the store?