Driving home, I see those flooded fields
Well I knew we had won last night, even though I didn't watch the game, or listen to the radio. But driving home, there was a lot of oiler flags around, cars honking, and then I started to get text messages about parties downtown, or on whyte. It was then that I figured a few of my friends (disco, MC, et al.) were in a pub chanting "Oil in Six, Show us your Tits!"... at least I want to believe that is what they were doing, to be hones I have no idea.
I went home, turned on the Calgary game, I turned it off after Anaheim scored, I knew it would go to seven. The red mile will be all up in action tomorrow night (I feel your pain Juicy A) but I think Calgary has a chance. and the weather is right with me on that. May 2nd, I wake up and it is snowing, the playoffs are not over yet. and mother nature wants the joke to go right to the bone.
on to other things.
Did anyone else read
this? Does the RIAA even have a clue as to what they are doing? Ever since the supposed "crack down" I have seen nothing but an explosion in online music and file swapping, I remember back in `99 when I was running an ftp server, just for swapping mp3s, and everyone thought I was insane, "mp3 they will never take off". Well suckers, I guess your plans have back fired... now that there are majour networks in place, when hearing a new release album a month in advance is a common thing, I still spend more money then I have on new records, but I'm a fan of a dead format.
According to new studies,
Alberta could run out of water before it runs out of Oil (damn cbc newsworld, how come you can say it on tv but then not provide me with a link?). So I we have no water around? I'm confused, since all I hear is that we are running low on oil, only 40 yeas in reserves left or some such bullshit. Does that mean that king Ralph will stop trying to buy my vote with $400.00 cheques every 8 months?