i loathe you all
  it was not posed / it messed me up / it was her recording herself whisper
minutes later i was attacked by the Xiu Xiu and Brian Jonestown Massacre fans for holding flags for hockey teams in front of gig posters.

anyways. i picked those up for juicy a, and i'll be shipping them down the ol QE2 tomorrow/wednesday depending upon my timing, and if i can use the company purolator account or if i have to make my way over to canada post.

so it goes.


you know what makes for a bit of a long day? driving. not just like around the city, but around the city, then down the highway, then around that city (oh red deer), then back to the chuck.. bah, why is gas 102.9 cents per liter? and what is that in $/G? why do i feel like we in alberta are being fucked over, seriously the oil refinery is all of 10 km's away, what is the reason for the cost, when i can buy it for less further away?

oh well..

anyone else want my soap box?
you rock. seriously. rock.
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