i loathe you all
  life is still certain
97.8% ... i think that is a GPA of 4.0? or is it 3.9? i have no idea...

apparently i know a thing or two about music history? the blues? and how to rock a mixing board in a recording studio. my money is on the last one.


HNT time, men look away, ladies, prepair to laugh.

creepy, no?
no not creepy at all Happy HNT
caronfire: haha thanks :\
happy HNT to you as well
Not creepy-- "saucy" ;)

And I'm cringing at the thought of cutting your tongue on the strings!
Dude, you'll have to email me your address (for the cd ring), your gmail addy bounced back to me.
Juicy A: alright "saucy" it is..

cinders: hungry for love... err wait, no. cutting my tounge? nahh i was playing with my teeth. also it bounced back? weird.
That picture made me throw up in my mouth a little bit. Seriously, I gotta go brush my teeth now.
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