i loathe you all
  My whole existence was for your amusement
Somewhere, someone, finally figured out the right thing to do, and it was actually the American public. Not to say bad things about my friends to the south, most of them are smart, well thinking, well spoken individuals. Seriously, check out the blog roll that Maine is rocking. In the end, sure life in prison might seam like more of a toll on your tax dollars, but aside from Mr. G.W. Bush, who is it that has the right to play god? (note the sarcasm if you please)the death penalty is still dead wrong.


on a lighter note, how come the only thing on TV at 7pm is Everybody Loves Raymond? I loathe Ray. LOATHE! (hey the first reference to the name of this blog.. Ever. I think.) how did a generation that got stoned, fucked in the fields, made some of the best rock music (thanks jimi), turn this show into the most watched comedy, and re run show in prime time? HOW!!!!!!!


early HNT. And it isn't me, and she doesn't have a blog. The photo is courtesy the thought crime photo shoot i did on Saturday.

and MD, your permission is implied
I totally agree on the verdict too-- I dont know if its the left wing Edmontonian in me, but I totally dont get the whole vengeance argument for criminal sentences....alas, thats a big soapbox for me to jump on here in your comments...
the thing that most people find funny about my crazy left wing political views.. is that i grew up in red deer..

maybe i just got out at the right time.

and this soapbox is all yours
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