i loathe you all
  return for refund where applicable
So I've kinda jumped off this whole blog thing for a while now, i mean i still sort of updated an lj account, but i haven't really had much to say.
and then.. well then i got hooked on the twitter, it is like crack for A.D.D. kids and textaholics
seriously, fb but worse.
i made friends, enemies, and more friends
then things changed.. i became a stock on a market place.. that sells people
http://empireavenue.com ( they need to verify this page belongs to me: EAVB_YVGHXDDYMC )

anyways... it looks like i may be returning. and returning to here, as my own failed attempts at web hosting have pretty much gone to shit in the past few years.

serfx is dead.
long live SERFX
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