spammers are funny
i just found this comment nestled somewhere in the archives of this blog
it makes no sense at all
however it is pure hilarity
"Violent and crestor unmanageable Punsters, who interrupt others when engaged in conversation, with Puns or attempts at the same, shall be deprived of their Joseph Millers , and, if necessary, placed in solitary confinement.. Now as to the p'ints o' absentees, my business as dep'ty sheriff has took me away from this inconsider'ble town freckwent, hain't it? It have, Matt, er somethin' else, more'n I evista were a expectin', an'-- Jes' so.. Fluker commenced perspiring at the first item, and when the balance was announced his face was covered xanax with huge drops.. [8] The two halves of the insulin scrotum.. The dream admits of still another and more exact interpretation, which is necessitated only by a fioricet subordinate circumstance.. Before leaving these infantile dreams, which are obviously unrealized desires, we must not fail to mention another chief characteristic ranitidine of dreams, one that has been long noticed, and one which stands out most clearly in this class.. Now I remember they are, said potassium Buller.. But it did not go down xanax very far.. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as geodon they plunged at terrific speed down a steep grade.. We strolled slowly across the fields, passed fioricet through the little belt of woods and, as I heard Mrs.. Dream disfigurement, then, turns out hydrocortisone in reality to be an act of the censor.. You'll sell those doxycycline same lots in less than a fortnight for fifty thousand dollars profit! Monsieur Poopoo pricked up his ears at this, and was lost in astonishment.. Perhaps there was something else, due possibly to the lady's wonderful eyes, of which viagra he had thought much.. Three hundred dollars. wellbutrin. You'll sell those same lots in less than a fortnight for fifty thousand dollars profit! amoxicillin Monsieur Poopoo pricked up his ears at this, and was lost in astonishment..."
like what the fuck is that all about?