troubles from within
Funny things happen on band night, like guitars get restrung, setups are done and you continue on your way. Like i fixed a grounding issue in my modified jagmaster, the pickups are still active as fuck though. It needed a little bit of setup work, put a shim behind the neck for a better break point, adjusted the intonation, and generally made it playable. stoked. demo from when it still had humbuckers:
Followed that with fixing an input jack issue on my `72 Harmony Les Paul clone, ran it through a quick setup and intonation job. I had honestly forgotten how much i love the sound out of this guitar, how the neck feels, everything, probably why it was my number one go-to guitar from 1997 - 2006 and was then replaced with a 1965 Fender Mustang.
I digress, the reason for this post is the troubles that came once we showed up at the space, my Vox AC100 CPH died. power on, tubes warm, hit the standby on, and it sounded like the tubes discharged, or who knows, power stayed on, standby light gone, nothing no sound, dead. So it goes in for warranty. Aside from having a gig in two days, i was also planning on finishing/doing the amp demo that i posted a teaser of ages ago, so i suppose that will have to wait.