i loathe you all
  fuck king ralph
Canada NewsWire Group: "Passage of Bill C-38 a victory for human rights says CUPE"

although this will not effect my life in any sort of way what's ever, i'm glad to see that the government one that i even voted for (well i voted NTP but lets not get into schemantics). I'm proud to live in a country where EVERYONE now has access to BASIC HUMAN rights, freedoms and liberties, like the ability to express how they feel for one another despite sex, creed, religion, or how they like to fornication.

now to sleep before i head back to another 12 - 13 hours at work. wheeeeeeeeeeee


also rumour has it that i'm holding a BBQ on friday.. So check disco's blog for details.. apparently.
  I wish i had Radio Shoes

Despite what Sean was telling me, i think he looks drunk there, and well stef is looking good... As we left Hutchins to catch up with some people..
they ended up going into "bar wild"..

I ditched and tracked down Nic's party at sweet 69 ...

i met these two on the street in my drunken wanderings, i think i bought them both a red bull and vodka.. and then proceded to dance to "hollar back girl"

it looks like it was a good time for all

but this guy made my night, as for closing he tossed out some johnny cash.. as well as some mudhoney. i guess "we" are supposed to go catch his metal night Monday at Filthy Ms Nasty's.. I'm in.

and then, i dunno what happened. but i made it home.

but in the end good night, and i got tickets to two very kick ass shows.
  fucking theaters

so Wednesday i wanted to go see a movie, a good movie.
however fate conspired against me, and i had to be at work till 10
the movie started at 10. As well as my "date" (read: person whom was going to come with me) was ill and couldn't make it.
so i ditched and went home.

I was thinking i could catch it tonight or Sunday afternoon.. but alas
that is not to be..
so once again i miss seeing the beauty that is a Todd Solondz film.

so it goes.

well off to the strat tonight, mm cheap beer. You are all welcome to join.
  Dave, am i'm in? Just promise me you'll play "Low"

Well after much thought and deliveration (and ability to pick up pre-sale tickets) Looks like i am going to see the Foo!

and i mean Dave and i go back along way... there hasn't been a Foo tour that has come through Alberta that i have missed, ever. so why start now?

*photo stolen from redpenguin
  fuck rexall
this is how i know somethign is wrong:

Foo Fighters tickets go on sale on saturday, and i could give a shit less..

what is up with that?
  the Fabulous BeeFeeders

so good, so fun, i danced, and even picked up a pin.
also they covered johnny cash! (check the video)

so good. more of a write up after i wake up and have some time..
derek already covered blonde redhead for me... i just need to cover Xiu Xiu and well tonight i suppose... wonder what time i work tomorrow?
  This song is a mess but so am I.

[update monday]
just a warning the video is around 20 meg or so.. and in quicktime.. and i think it may use up a shit pile of aarons bandwidth, workign on making a smaller version for the site.
[end update]
  I strum my guitar and I sing an outlaw love song
Well kids once again it is time to Rock the Hawk.

I'll try to get some other shots later tonight of it in use and me being kicked out of pubs...
July 18: Sidetrack Cafe - tickets onsale soon, call venue 421.1326 for info

well looks like thats gonna be a fucking awesome week, isn't it.

Sidetrack Cafe

there ya go
[end update]
  why bother?
so, its getting high on past three weeks since i ordered my Xiu mother fucking Xiu t-shirt...
where the hell is it?

do you think it is the fault of the time people at buyolympia.com ? or maybe more so an issue with canada post and customs, stupid customs..

been a slow blog week for me, well month really if you go back over this whole thing.
  Look Ma! I'm a total "Hipster" now!
  the rundown
So here it is: the top 3 reasons why my money goes to music and nothing else.

in order of appearance.

1. Blonde Redhead, June 15th/16th New City
2. Xiu Xiu, June 18th Freemason's Hall
3. Brian Jonestown Massacre, July 13th New City

What more could an indie rock hipster such as myself hope for?

  dude! Nice JUG

so as i surfed my way accross the net for random things (like vague directions on how to use Knox for my hawk.. no blowdryer though.. damn) i came accross the above picture.. rather humerous since the one drinking the Pint is the one who shaved my head.. then she made out with scooter on a kitchen floor.

good times.

also i think steve moved in for a bit, but we need to get Scooter off the beer.
  i love you internet, don't leave me again
so, back online.

must leave though.

Against Me! kicked some serious ass!

been way to drunk been so gloriously drunk. and i love it.
Random snippets on life's happenings.

My Photo
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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