troubles from within
Funny things happen on band night, like guitars get restrung, setups are done and you continue on your way. Like i fixed a grounding issue in my modified jagmaster, the pickups are still active as fuck though. It needed a little bit of setup work, put a shim behind the neck for a better break point, adjusted the intonation, and generally made it playable. stoked. demo from when it still had humbuckers:
Followed that with fixing an input jack issue on my `72 Harmony Les Paul clone, ran it through a quick setup and intonation job. I had honestly forgotten how much i love the sound out of this guitar, how the neck feels, everything, probably why it was my number one go-to guitar from 1997 - 2006 and was then replaced with a 1965 Fender Mustang.
I digress, the reason for this post is the troubles that came once we showed up at the space, my Vox AC100 CPH died. power on, tubes warm, hit the standby on, and it sounded like the tubes discharged, or who knows, power stayed on, standby light gone, nothing no sound, dead. So it goes in for warranty. Aside from having a gig in two days, i was also planning on finishing/doing the amp demo that i posted a teaser of ages ago, so i suppose that will have to wait.
Gentleman of the street
i'm not sure how much you like comedy. i assume that everyone likes comedy i have an acquaintance who does stand up Matt Morales he is funny
anyways to be a bit of a whore, i want to help him out, he is in some sort of competition, where you click things and watch things then click like.. i dunno check it out, its funny
now on that note.. i think its time i put my busking shoes on and headed out to play some music
¶ 13:240 comments
rock and roll is fat and ugly --- its only been two days but i already miss my headstones hair and lazy man stubble at least they will both grow back.. well the hair never got cut, it just needs to get used to not being combed again..
¶ 12:480 comments
every now and then... i like to try and be grinder man... the problem is that i'm nowhere near as cool as Nick Cave.
anyways, it is monday. or so i was told this morning upon waking up.
¶ 12:420 comments
enjoy the quiet
Today was mis-spent some may say, between finishing Michael Turner's new book 8x10 Amazon/kindle link, playing the Skate 3 Demo and generally being a lazy sod.
This of course is of no surprise as it is Gig weekend, as in a gig tonight, and another tomorrow.. no promises on destruction this evening as, well, we're going to need our gear in working order tomorrow. i mean, chances are, KP and Bobby may have a round two of their death match or maybe we'll get into it again who is to say really..
but one thing is for sure good times and punk rock will be had by all
¶ 18:310 comments
Consume Me
i've got nothing. seriously nothing but i did find this fantastic image to tide you over until i have something to say.
so.. consume away my friends
now i feel like getting pringles and adopting a cat.
¶ 12:140 comments
spammers are funny
i just found this comment nestled somewhere in the archives of this blog it makes no sense at all however it is pure hilarity
"Violent and crestor unmanageable Punsters, who interrupt others when engaged in conversation, with Puns or attempts at the same, shall be deprived of their Joseph Millers , and, if necessary, placed in solitary confinement.. Now as to the p'ints o' absentees, my business as dep'ty sheriff has took me away from this inconsider'ble town freckwent, hain't it? It have, Matt, er somethin' else, more'n I evista were a expectin', an'-- Jes' so.. Fluker commenced perspiring at the first item, and when the balance was announced his face was covered xanax with huge drops.. [8] The two halves of the insulin scrotum.. The dream admits of still another and more exact interpretation, which is necessitated only by a fioricet subordinate circumstance.. Before leaving these infantile dreams, which are obviously unrealized desires, we must not fail to mention another chief characteristic ranitidine of dreams, one that has been long noticed, and one which stands out most clearly in this class.. Now I remember they are, said potassium Buller.. But it did not go down xanax very far.. He swung them around a sharp bend with a skillful hand and poised his weight above the brake as geodon they plunged at terrific speed down a steep grade.. We strolled slowly across the fields, passed fioricet through the little belt of woods and, as I heard Mrs.. Dream disfigurement, then, turns out hydrocortisone in reality to be an act of the censor.. You'll sell those doxycycline same lots in less than a fortnight for fifty thousand dollars profit! Monsieur Poopoo pricked up his ears at this, and was lost in astonishment.. Perhaps there was something else, due possibly to the lady's wonderful eyes, of which viagra he had thought much.. Three hundred dollars. wellbutrin. You'll sell those same lots in less than a fortnight for fifty thousand dollars profit! amoxicillin Monsieur Poopoo pricked up his ears at this, and was lost in astonishment..."
always in moderation
the internet, much like the rest of modern woes, is a fantastic thing.. in moderation. take your social networks, twitter, empire ave, facebook, myspace, mybook, facespace, myface, spacebook.. whatever.. give out all the information you think you need to, to find your friends, and then.. give away more.. while we wine and bitch about how our rights and privacy as citizens are being erroded away by government, and big corporations, here we are ever day letting them slip through out fingers, by clicking here, adding there, paying no attention to what it is that we do..
but fuck what do i know.. i'm on all of it. in some form or another..
i loathe it
i'm going back to read ONE thing on wikipedia.. and then clicking seventeen hundred links
blogger ..... i've missed you
Well maybe missed is slightly the wrong word. A synonym for the word i am really looking for, you see, i've never been much for this blog game, had plenty to say i'm sure, and the fact that i've updated things all over the internet would agree. see i started using blogger as a news aggrigator for dotNuxx, and well that kind of went sideways over the years, never had a way to merge them all together, and that i find funny, especially as ftp publishing disappears from the things that we can use this tool for. how do i merge what were three seperate feeds into one blog? how? is it possible? will it take time? why can't it be automated? they are all stored here, on the blogger side of things..
return for refund where applicable
So I've kinda jumped off this whole blog thing for a while now, i mean i still sort of updated an lj account, but i haven't really had much to say. and then.. well then i got hooked on the twitter, it is like crack for A.D.D. kids and textaholics seriously, fb but worse. i made friends, enemies, and more friends then things changed.. i became a stock on a market place.. that sells people ( they need to verify this page belongs to me: EAVB_YVGHXDDYMC )
anyways... it looks like i may be returning. and returning to here, as my own failed attempts at web hosting have pretty much gone to shit in the past few years.