i loathe you all
Not so phantom menace . . .
just underneath that red area behind the distributor, requiring me to remove a bunch of parts I could never name.. That is where my 1/liter per 100km's or per week (what ever comes sooner) is emanating from....
maybe I just need to drive this?
to bad I can't get it to start... Also it may need a battery
coverage later
well Derek did a good job
covering BJM but left out a couple of my personal favorite photos.. so here goes.. only two of them though one when we are walking in to the religious experience..

and you don't really see this all that often:

so it goes.
anyone up for twin lakes this weekend?
well it looks like i do not need to pull the engine out of my car, it is something else that is leeking.. so that is good.. in theory.
also i have the pics leading up to from and beyond bmj and then dando online, i haven;t gone throuh them overly myself i'l do that when i get home and make the videos well a much better file size for casual viewing..
but anyways.. you can peruse through them all in the
Dropboxmore later... including me trying to start my dirt bike..
the vacation starts ... NOW!
i suddenly feel like my life is a bit of a beer comercial. . . i just got in the door from work, woke up my flatmate, got a call to be at a social gathering and we are on our way out the door. no holding back.
i'll be back in the chuck on the 3rd or 4th of aug. hopefuly i'll make it down to calgary to help lins and justan move, but i make no promises. Also on that note their baby has the most perfect skull i have ever seen in an ultrasound picture. not that i have ever really looked at alot of them.
i'll get my pics uploaded ver the next 24 - 48 hours to the dropbox, and hopefully have some from tonight.
Gong Show Loaded, and we are ready to roll
updates at random until i get back.
lets kick it scooter.
i'm in such a good mood today.
nothing can explain.
well off ot west ed, for clothing and then to wear that clothing to work.
in an alternate reality..
if everything had panned out the way that it was to go, today would be spent drunk off my ass golfing or doing something i might actually enjoy.. and tomorrow i would be getting married, insanity, yes.
Do i regret things in the past year? no not really for i feel in the end this is for the best, sure, i know make maybe 1/5th of what i was making then, i'm lonley a little bit more, but really, i have everythign in my life that i could possibly need.. great friends, good times, a job i don't loathe all of the time. and total and complete freedom to do what i want.. but i had most of that anyways..
so enough on the downer. My vacation starts tomorrow night at 8pm. as to if i'm going to party it up in the chuck (my pay cheque sucked so i doubt it) or just pack and hit the greydog to red deer on sunday morning.. and with that said i'll try to get the pictures off of my camera while i'm out of town and post them online, but i make no promises. (i'm not going to bother fixing my workstation until i'm back because, well why fix something that i won't even be around to use?). Oh and my interview went alright, if anything happens from it i'll tell "you" all about it.
much love.
why do i listen to Em?
ahh right so anyways, click
herefill out the jive, and trade .. yeah its kind of interesting
really it is..
catch27, i don;t realy understand it yet, but it looks slightly cool
so sign up..
this is my plug/plea for coolness!
something going on inside my head?
today was day 3 of not smoking...
i faired better then the others as i only had two cigs.. (i know thats not technically not smoking but hey, so it goes)
short power outage earlier tonight . lit some candles and contemplated walking in the rain.. it would have been romantic, if you know i wasn't hanging out with scooter..
vacation starts in two days.. just need to decide when to leave this city, and well should i come back? do i really have a good reason too? sure there is work, and i can't ditch out on my flatmate, but after that.. what do i have?
why so rehtorical?
why not?
and expect pictures from dando, BJM, and pretty much other random times early next week when i get them off the camera.. (hopefully i'll be able to grab some shots at thornley on friday, if i go. who has a ticket for me?)
Classic Evan
in a word, Evan Dando was: AWESOME
played all the hits almost.. but even broke out Skulls .. so good
overheard after the show;
is Evan going to come out and do a meet and greet? i'd like a picture
not to sure really, he's out back smoking some potClassic Dando
i took some pictures, hopefully i'll be able to post them on friday or so.
also this marks my 100th post since i started this blog in january. more then doubling the amount of posts on dotNuxx.net
Baby I'm Bored

Tonight: Evan Dando, Sidetrack Cafe, $15.00 at the door.
i'll be the guy with the camera taking pictures.. okay there may be a few of us doing that, i'll also be the guy asking cute girls if they want to buy me a beer.
Goodbye Old Boy, Goodbye.
Rest in Piece my Dear Uncle,
for you lived a long and hapy life. you are already well missed by your family and friends. i wish that i had the change to know you beter, but my fortune was not so great. I know that you are in God's hands now, and that you shall be forever remembered.
To the family that remains my love goes out to you.
so rambling i go
well its friday once again, and the weekend is upon me... now normally i know what all this entails, but as it is the weekend that would have been my stag.. i only wonder what i will be up too.. or really how it would be any different..
tonight i plan on checking out some battle of the bands over at Red's but with BJM still fresh in my mind i'm sure that no matter what i see i will be let down..
tomorrow well tomorrow is saturday and as far as i know there is no plans.. but i'm sre that will change.
and sunday as always is the day of rest, but more so to get prepared for the awesomness that will be evan dando..
and i'm off to work. late
Kick it
Was Anton liken to a god? Yes
did the set kick ass? Yes
did I have a killer time? Yes
were there pictures? Yes
did it live up to the "hype"? I didn't know there was hype, but I guess so
BJM was awesome, I can now die happy. Well I have to wait till after dando to do that though.
i can't post any pics until i get my computer up and running again ... so it could be a while, and i'll probably run out of memory card first... but so it goes.
wooo! well loads of fun for me today...
not at all really, bad news at work...
long day, nothign really interesting to get into, but i can expect that it will be much harder to reach my sales goals with on average 6 grand less a month worth of retail.. since corporate thinks that well we don;t need to just make pure money...
got home, checking the email, all that fun jive, enjoyign a little !!! on the `ol iTunes, and my powersupply dies, right then and there, thats it kaput.. and since i didn;t budget for it, i have no cash to pick up a new one till well after evan dando.. so i can;t download any pictures etc.. nothing.. it is to say the least, craptacular.
some might ask "but then how are you posting this?" to witch i would coyly reply, with my 13 year old laptop my dear, the one that couldn't even run your watch as it is alas just 133 Mhz, with a 4gig hdd, and a sound card that hasn't worked since the mid to late 90's. .
also it was pointed out that certain people only know me by the top left half of my face. i find that amusing. quite.
but i digress, i had a different idea for a post then this in mind, however circumstances being what they are. i don't wish to mention that i found out one of my cousins works for my sister company in west ed, as well as that i met my cute new little cousin once removed (he is just around 3 months old now) on saturday night.. was glorious. and disco might be up for that road trip (we'll take his car.. ) scooter said that shellac sounded kind of like U2, but mostly i think disco is just in for a few days of debauchery in seattle.
yeah i think i need a smoke.. only half a pack to go till i'm done for well till i get back form vaction really... i'm gonna be a total bastard next week.. good thing dando can make me so happy, but also so sad.
one more thing
it also appears that my scanner is now broken.. either it just makes grinding noises or scans everything as black... fun.
i took the only poster for evan dando that i could find
Well last night was, in a word; Good.
7 and 7 is was enjoyable, wish i could remember more of it. The band before them was pretty fun and the opening band reminded me of Mindless Self Indulgence being played by Billy talent...
So I presume that some of you have your precious System of a Down tickets by now, Mars Volta should be good...
i can only wonder what will be happening after BJM on Wednesday... Will i get to see this again?
didn't you guys open for atomic 7?
just got back from the last night of the works, saw the james T. kirks, it was lovely.
also looks like i've got two spare tickets to dando, and h.j. is gonna take both of the ones for BJM so i'll have some drinking money.. that will be nice.
tomorrow looks promising, and i think everyone should come and enjoy "7 and 7 is" at new city, they are playing with 3 other bands, doors at 8. no idea what time they will be playing at, and it looks like i'll be showing up alone, tragic. hopefully i'll get paid though and be able to get a bit drunk, hopefully.
friday night, well lets just call it a gong show waiting to happen . . nicole is even planning on making an appearance, even after i dragger her to Xiu Xiu (although it rocked, she did not enjoy).
i should invest in using capital letters someday, no wonder scooter never comments on my blog.
and derek, i'm up for the road trip but you won't drive and it is slightly illegal for me to drive, however, you could drive my car if it just end up being you and me.. as it will be fully functional and insured. plus what better way to get to portland then taking a camaro playing nothing but crazy noise and indie rock?
p.s. i forgot to take my camera with me today, so no pictures... alas.
so who i ask would be up for a roadtrip?
say late august?
for 3 or 4 days
approx. 14 hour drive...
yes, to portland! say the 25th/26th we are there?
catch two shows by Shellac?
maybe i'm nuts, and i know this won't pan out, but theoretically who is in?
and derek not only do i have a BJM ticket for you, but also a evan dando ticket.
turns out i have a spare of each show as well... interesting.

Hit rock bottom? or enjoying a damn good beer... at $5.49 / sixer?

oddly enough for today i have no future... funny considering that i totally ditched on my job interview this morning..