i loathe you all
  look ma!

umm yeah...

nothing else at the moment.

carry on. Posted by Picasa
  I'm not dead yet...
Well we're going to the cup.

i guess i can hang up my NIEDERMAYER jersey (although it is a panthers jersey) now..

time to pull out my old MOOG jersey (what its number 35.. and i still think he was better between the pipes then anyone edmonton has had since they traded him), i doubt it will fit.

also i should mail out those car flags (sorry Juicy) I've kind of fallen behind on that.

whyte is nuts. I'm glad to be home.

more later.
  Hi, how random to see you . . .

1. Offspring - Smash It Up
2. Billy Bragg & Wilco - Airline To Heaven
3. Hidden Cameras - smells like happiness
4. Smoking Popes - Rubella
5. Dirty On Purpose - All New Friends
6. Wormburner - Muscle Car
7. Foo Fighters - Danny Says
8. Becky Stark - Cadillac
9. Frente! - Bizarre Love Triangle
10. Urge Overkill - Gril You'll Be A Woman Soon
11. Imperial Teen - You're One
12. My Morning Jacket - Off the Record
13. Tripping Daisy - I Got A Girl
14. Okay - Compass
15. Sonic Youth - Sunday
16. Hum - Stars (Edit)
17. Yo La Tengo Ft. Daniel Johnston - Speeding Motorcycles

i got it mailed out.
i've recieved the other four that were commign around, and today i will listen to them, i think i'm looking forward to cinders mix the most. but i dunno, they are all looking pretty wikkid.


the oil lost last night, i drank a fifth of scotch to myself and then proceded to do nothing. it was glorious. i suppose if we had won i would have had more scotch and become some variation of "frank the tank", there is always saturday.


off to work. who says 10 hour days in a mattress store can't be fun. me thats who

oh and the new thoughtcrime ink website is online, the store is in need of some minor tweeks, and i'm slowly, like a snail, getting to them.

until next time
  i never thought you'd be a junkie
i'm not dead.
just nothing to say.

and on a special note: being an annymous coward is passe.
okay so maybe my post yesterday was a bit vague.

i'm not saying that i don't like stadium arcadium, far from it, like all the peppers albums (since i've been a fan for going on 18 yeas now ... mothers milk you came out when i heard of them, but it was uplift mofo party plan that made me love you). When i talked about a single song, i wasn't refering too a radio single (although dane california appears to be the lead single), but one can not argue that they do not produce such songs, as there was no reason to pick up by the way with almost every song becomming a radio hit. i was saying that nothing stood out as greatness. sure Derek isn't a fan, but i know that we will be able to agree that the melvins live album of houdini is kick fucking ass. i stand by my first accertation tha the album is long, like any double album, and that double albums need to dissapear, maybe if the peppers writing style was less jam bandish, and flea could be all "john i love that, but maybe if we combined it with thease other 4 great riffs we could have a killer tune instead of 4 good songs that no one will listen too". you know?


okay ... so i've been a little off my game, no shocking surprises at all, but after the weekend i should be able to get back to my old self, i'll be prettymuch finished this tedious thoughtcrime website, i'll know more about what i'm doing with disco, and maybe even get a couple paycheques (that would seriously help at the moment). but if you see me as a puddle on saturday night, hand me a glass of scotch, and everything will be alright.
no HNT today.. to tired and busy..
sorry folks.


onto other things. I picked up the new chili peppers album, Stadium Arcadium yesterday, and have been listening too it at work all day. i have one majour comment that mark made in passing. it is long, and not a single song really stands out. i'm not sure what to say about it. its just been back ground noise all day.

i'll give the road trip listen on the weekend and see how that pans out.

  it was not posed / it messed me up / it was her recording herself whisper
minutes later i was attacked by the Xiu Xiu and Brian Jonestown Massacre fans for holding flags for hockey teams in front of gig posters.

anyways. i picked those up for juicy a, and i'll be shipping them down the ol QE2 tomorrow/wednesday depending upon my timing, and if i can use the company purolator account or if i have to make my way over to canada post.

so it goes.


you know what makes for a bit of a long day? driving. not just like around the city, but around the city, then down the highway, then around that city (oh red deer), then back to the chuck.. bah, why is gas 102.9 cents per liter? and what is that in $/G? why do i feel like we in alberta are being fucked over, seriously the oil refinery is all of 10 km's away, what is the reason for the cost, when i can buy it for less further away?

oh well..

anyone else want my soap box?
  Biirdie - morning kills the dark
i removed the previous audio post. because although i enjoy hearing my drunk friends discuss vibrators, it really might not put anyone in a good light.

on that note, i sold a bed this morning. they don't really tie in togeather, but meh.


Maine has some issues this morning, not with the internet, but with the government. you should read it. honestly, i'm glad i didn't vote for the monkey in the white house. although i didn't vote for the saddist in ottawa either. damn my socialist ways.

i don;t really have anything else to say this afternoon.

so... there that is.
  life is still certain
97.8% ... i think that is a GPA of 4.0? or is it 3.9? i have no idea...

apparently i know a thing or two about music history? the blues? and how to rock a mixing board in a recording studio. my money is on the last one.


HNT time, men look away, ladies, prepair to laugh.

creepy, no?
  My whole existence was for your amusement
Somewhere, someone, finally figured out the right thing to do, and it was actually the American public. Not to say bad things about my friends to the south, most of them are smart, well thinking, well spoken individuals. Seriously, check out the blog roll that Maine is rocking. In the end, sure life in prison might seam like more of a toll on your tax dollars, but aside from Mr. G.W. Bush, who is it that has the right to play god? (note the sarcasm if you please)the death penalty is still dead wrong.


on a lighter note, how come the only thing on TV at 7pm is Everybody Loves Raymond? I loathe Ray. LOATHE! (hey the first reference to the name of this blog.. Ever. I think.) how did a generation that got stoned, fucked in the fields, made some of the best rock music (thanks jimi), turn this show into the most watched comedy, and re run show in prime time? HOW!!!!!!!


early HNT. And it isn't me, and she doesn't have a blog. The photo is courtesy the thought crime photo shoot i did on Saturday.

and MD, your permission is implied
  Driving home, I see those flooded fields
Well I knew we had won last night, even though I didn't watch the game, or listen to the radio. But driving home, there was a lot of oiler flags around, cars honking, and then I started to get text messages about parties downtown, or on whyte. It was then that I figured a few of my friends (disco, MC, et al.) were in a pub chanting "Oil in Six, Show us your Tits!"... at least I want to believe that is what they were doing, to be hones I have no idea.

I went home, turned on the Calgary game, I turned it off after Anaheim scored, I knew it would go to seven. The red mile will be all up in action tomorrow night (I feel your pain Juicy A) but I think Calgary has a chance. and the weather is right with me on that. May 2nd, I wake up and it is snowing, the playoffs are not over yet. and mother nature wants the joke to go right to the bone.


on to other things.
Did anyone else read this? Does the RIAA even have a clue as to what they are doing? Ever since the supposed "crack down" I have seen nothing but an explosion in online music and file swapping, I remember back in `99 when I was running an ftp server, just for swapping mp3s, and everyone thought I was insane, "mp3 they will never take off". Well suckers, I guess your plans have back fired... now that there are majour networks in place, when hearing a new release album a month in advance is a common thing, I still spend more money then I have on new records, but I'm a fan of a dead format.


According to new studies, Alberta could run out of water before it runs out of Oil (damn cbc newsworld, how come you can say it on tv but then not provide me with a link?). So I we have no water around? I'm confused, since all I hear is that we are running low on oil, only 40 yeas in reserves left or some such bullshit. Does that mean that king Ralph will stop trying to buy my vote with $400.00 cheques every 8 months?
  And when mom complains about my hair, I say hey mom I just don't care.
seriously, i should have thought about this.
i should have taken this same job but in kelowna for the summer, make the same money, but be somewhere nicer. someplace where everyone i talk to isn't amazed that i am not an oilers fan, where hockey albe it fun, is not my thing.

its not like i have a right to complain, i made todays work sort of a day at the movies with Sofia Coppola, and everything is alright with that.

but lets take a look at what i could miss out on.
neko case
fiona apple
sonic youth

and that is just in a 3 day span.

yeah i need the end of june - early july off
since i won't be here. i'll be tracking thurston moore.
  Cecilia went first.
maybe today won't be all that bad.

i'm not hung over, although i feel like it, it was a take the weekend off from gong show drinking, and just enjoy it all. saturday was spent hanging with sam, and then down to rods for his birthday, and i thik spending the evening jamming in a garage drinkign beer is well worth it. someone even gave me half a burger. and by gave me, i stole off the BBQ..

I figured it was worth while to not watch all of "uptown girls" last night, since i was switching between it and "spy game", leaving random audio blogs where i sound half dead.

now i'm at work.. its been a little busy, had some traffic, made some cash. enjoying the "virgin suicides". i ask what else does one do to prevent him from sleepign on one of the many mattress' in the store?
  Speeding motorcycle, won't you change me?
this is an audio post - click to play
Random snippets on life's happenings.

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
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